Parameter | Type | Description |
rendersize | String | Small: width * height <= 102000 (400x225) Medium: width * height <= 440000 (800x550) Big: width * height > 440000 |
Parameter | Type | Description |
experience | String | The experience specifies the name of the project data pool to be used. (obligatory) |
licensekey | String | The licensekey is obigatory in projects which are protected by a licensekey |
GlobalId | String | Globalid of tour (obligatory (or Path)) |
Path | String | Google-encoded polyline path (obligatory (or globalid)) |
Width | Integer | Width of rendered image. Default: 400 |
Height | Integer | Height of rendered image. Default: 225 |
Export | String | Exporttype (Svg or Png). Default: Svg |
ActivateCaching | Boolean | Shall caching be activated? Default: true |
AddElevations | Boolean | Shall min/max elevation be rendered in chart? Default: false |
AddOfftrackWaypoints | Boolean | Shall offtrackwaypoints be rendered in chart? Default: false |
AddSurfaces | Boolean | Shall surface be rendered as linecolor in chart? Default: false |
AddSurfacesArea | Boolean | Shall Surfaces be rendered as area? |
AddWaypoints | Boolean | Shall waypoints be rendered in chart? Default: false |
AutoCalcSteps | Boolean | Shall the x and y axes steps be calculated (passed parameters will be ignorden)? Default: true |
ShowOfftrackWaypointDistance | Boolean | Shall the distance of waypoints be rendered in chart? Default: true |
ShowWaypointsTitle | Boolean | Shall the title of waypoints be rendered in chart? Default: true |
ShowMinorAxis | Boolean | Shall minor axis be shown? Default: false |
WaypointsOnLine | Boolean | Shall waypoints be rendered on char-line? Default false |
AreaColor | Hex-Color | Color of area below chartline. Default: #457F3920 |
AxisXLabelColor | Hex-Color | Color of x-axis labels. Default: #000000 |
AxisYLabelColor | Hex-Color | Color of y-axis labels. Default: #000000 |
CountAxisValues | Integer | There will be at least this amount of mayor axis labels. Default: 3, 4, 5 (based on chartsize) |
FontSize | Integer | Size of labels. Default: 10, 12, 14 (based on chartsize) |
LineColor | Hex-Color | Color of chart-line. Default: #457F39 |
LineSize | Integer | Width of chart-line. Default: 2, 3, 4 (based on chartsize) |
MajorGridlineColor | Hex-Color | Color of mayor grid line. Default: #99999960 |
MajorGridlineStyle | String | Style of mayor grid line (Solid, Dash, Dot, DashDot, DashDashDot, DashDotDot, DashDashDotDot, LongDash, LongDashDot, LongDashDotDot, None, Automatic). Default: Solid |
MajorGridlineThickness | Integer | Width of major gridline. Default: 1 |
MajorStepX | Integer | X-axis major steps. Default: 10 (if AutoCalcSteps is false) |
MajorStepY | Integer | Y-axis major steps. Default: 100 (if AutoCalcSteps is false) |
MajorTickSize | Integer | Size of major ticks. Default: 1 |
MinorGridlineColor | Hex-Color | Color of minor grid line. Default: #99999960 |
MinorGridlineStyle | String | Style of minor grid line (Solid, Dash, Dot, DashDot, DashDashDot, DashDotDot, DashDashDotDot, LongDash, LongDashDot, LongDashDotDot, None, Automatic). Default: Dot |
MinorGridlineThickness | Integer | Width of minor gridline. Default: 1 |
MinorStepX | Integer | X-axis minor steps. Default: 10 (if AutoCalcSteps is false) |
MinorStepY | Integer | Y-axis minor steps. Default: 10 (if AutoCalcSteps is false) |
MinorTickSize | Integer | Size of minor ticks. Default: 1 |
PlotAreaBackground | Hex-Color | Color of chart background. Default: Transparent |
PlotAreaBorderColor | Hex-Color | Color of chart border. Default: #000000 |
PlotAreaBorderThickness | Integer | Width of chart border. Default: 1 |
PlotMarginTop | Integer | Chart top margin. Default: 30, 50, 70 (based on chartsize) (only used if WaypointsOnLine = false) |
PlotPadding | Integer | Chart padding. Default: 25 |
PointBorderSize | Integer | Size of waypoint border. Default: 1, 2, 2 (based on chartsize) |
PointColor | Hex-Color | Color of waypoint. Default: #333333 |
PointFillColor | Hex-Color | Color of waypoint background. Default: #ffffff |
PointFontSize | Integer | Size of waypoint label. Default: 10, 20, 26 (based on chartsize) |
PointLabelColor | Hex-Color | Color of waypoint label. Default: #000000 |
PointLabelRotation | Integer | Rotation of waypoint label. Default: -30 (only used if WaypointsOnLine = false) |
PointLineColor | Hex-Color | Color of waypoint line. Default: #457F39 (only used if WaypointsOnLine = true) |
PointLineStyle | String | Style of waypoint line (Solid, Dash, Dot, DashDot, DashDashDot, DashDotDot, DashDashDotDot, LongDash, LongDashDot, LongDashDotDot, None, Automatic). Default: DashDotDot |
PointMinMaxElevationColor | Hex-Color | Point color of min/max elevation values in chart. Default: #000000 |
PointSize | Integer | Waypoint size. Default: 5, 8, 11 (based on chartsize) |
PointStrokeThickness | Integer | Strokesize of waypoint. Default: 1, 2, 3 (based on chartsize) |
PointStyle | String | Style of waypoint icon (None, Circle, Square, Diamond, Triangle, Cross, Plus, Star, Custom). Default: Custom |
PointTextLength | Integer | Maxlength of waypoint label. Default: 20 |
LineColorUnknown | Hex-Color | |
LineColorStreet | Hex-Color | |
LineColorAsphalt | Hex-Color | |
LineColorGravel | Hex-Color | |
LineColorTrail | Hex-Color | |
LineColorPath | Hex-Color | |
LineColorTrackless | Hex-Color | |
LineColorViaFerrata | Hex-Color | |
LineColorSnow | Hex-Color | |
LineColorDismount | Hex-Color | |
LineColorLift | Hex-Color | |
LineColorFerry | Hex-Color | |
AreaColorUnknown | Hex-Color | |
AreaColorStreet | Hex-Color | |
AreaColorAsphalt | Hex-Color | |
AreaColorGravel | Hex-Color | |
AreaColorTrail | Hex-Color | |
AreaColorPath | Hex-Color | |
AreaColorTrackless | Hex-Color | |
AreaColorViaFerrata | Hex-Color | |
AreaColorSnow | Hex-Color | |
AreaColorDismount | Hex-Color | |
AreaColorLift | Hex-Color | |
AreaColorFerry | Hex-Color |